Friday, August 12, 2011

Sugar makes everything nice :)

I have to first credit my sister for this sweet idea as she is opening a company called Pure Nostalgic selling homemade soaps and scrubs, but today I made my own simple version of a homemade sugar scrub. I'm traveling up north this weekend for a lake side vacation and taking these babies with me!

Recipe for Sugar Scrub
Mason Jar or other container of your choice
1 cup Raw Cane Sugar
1/2 cup Olive Oil
1 packet of dried Lavendar flowers (add as much as you like)
**There are so many alteration you can do to make this scrub including different oil like coconut oil or almond oil, you can add fragrance as well as other types of flowers. The options are endless! Mix up and enjoy glowing skin :)


  1. This is a great idea! So simple, yet amazing, I have to try and make some on my own!

    xx Ivana
    Style in the City

  2. Thanks Ivana! Let me know how it turns out for you! :)
