As a big thank you, I'm doing a Giveaway!!!! Beyond all the song lyrics, mascara, and filling of bellies, I love to workout! And let's face it, with all those yummy recipes, I've got to! Working out is good for the mind, body, and spirit! Refreshes you!
I have followed Karena and Katerina of Tone It Up for about 3 years now even through my pregnancy! They are hip, innovative, inspiring, talented, and beyond gorgeous! I'm apart of their nutrition plan as well as their workouts. It's been the most inspiring and motivating group of women that I have ever been involved with. You guys are going to love them! I happen to have an extra copy of 1 of only 2 of their Beach Babe Workout DVD's and I'm giving it away to one of YOU! Who wouldn't want to look like a beach babe year round?!
Here's how to win:
"Like" Shimmer and Charisma on Facebook.
"Follow" Shimmer and Charisma on Instagram.
Get a friend to like S&C.
Comment below or on Facebook or both of why you should win this Workout DVD!
Easy right?!
**United States only this time. Sorry!
Check out Tone It Up @
Cheers you guys to a happy healthy weekend! Xx