Okay as most of you know, I'm not big on making resolutions but rather solutions!
This year I'd like to take some time to reflect back on 2013. I have to admit, the thought of getting one year older or gaining another new year ahead excites me almost out of my skin! Like, really? I get to keep this life still? How lucky am I?! I feel so accomplished to have completed yet another year. Full of tears and cheers. Disappointment and success. Hatred and love. Disbelief and affirmation. The downs allowed me to cherish the ups even more. I said the downs before the ups to acknowledge the fact that it's not always peaches and cream but, there seems to be a rainbow at the end of every storm. I feel balanced, harmonized, at peace. I'm grateful to have what's in a year. Just enough time but not too much. Change in months, alterations to seasons, growth. The sun will rise and the moon will glow. That I am grateful for.
2014 -
Welcome! I'm looking forward to our journey! To accomplishing another year. To making memories and smiling so much it hurts along the way. I hope to each day become a better wife, mother, daughter, granddaughter, daughter in law, sister in law, best friend, and mentor to the most important people in the world to me. I hope to inspire people. To make them laugh, smile, believe, and cherish. Here's to continuing my fitness journey and reaching new heights. Pushing myself to believe and act outside of my comfort zones. To being brave and confident.
Aspire each day with me! Thanks to all of you for following me though another year.
Cheers!! 💕💌