Thursday, October 18, 2012

Autumn Munch

Sweet and Salty are my favorite when it comes to a dessert, or....sometimes a snack! Oops!
I ran across this yummy treat idea and had to make it for my husband and family! So simple, festive, and did I mention incredibly addictive?!?! Its unbelievably delicious!

Here is what ya do!

Grab a large bag of White Chocolate Morsels (24oz)
1 Bag of candy corn (about 2 cups)
2 cups of pretzel sticks (break the up a bit)

Line a baking sheet with wax paper

Melt White Chocolate over a double boiler or by directions on back in the Microwave.
Pour into large bowl and combine with candy corn and pretzels. Reserve some to top for decoration.
Once combined gently, pour over wax paper and even into a thick layer.
Decorate with reserved candy corn and pretzels.
Place baking sheet in fridge or freezer for about 1 hour until chocolate is firm.
Remove and break into desired sized pieces

I placed mine in treat bags and tied with colored string for gifts! So simple and absolutely delicious! 

My Caramel Apple Spice

Fall is one of my favorite times of year if I haven't told you already! I love going to Starbucks for the famous Caramel Apple Spice as they call it and I seem to slurp it down in minutes flat! One day while pinning on Pinterest (OBSESSED!) I found a photo similar to mine above for the recipe for the Caramel Apple Spice! However, much to my disappointment the link had been removed so I was left to experiment myself...

My darling husband took the wheel on this one and combined Apple Juice, with a pinch of cinnamon and cloves in a pot and heated over the stove. Once it was heated through, we poured it into mugs and drizzled caramel syrup into the mug. Delicious!!! My afterthought was we should have topped it off with a bit of whipped cream and THEN drizzled caramel syrup on top...Next time!!
Until then, enjoy making your very own Caramel Apple Spice!